My New Policy

 Effective March 01, 2019

 First of all, allow me to thank you for your support in Massages by Beverlie. Your satisfaction is very important to me and I hope to be successful in providing you with the best massage therapy services. 


Prices will be as follows:


My hourly rate will continue to be ................................. $85.00

Upgrades will be………………………..…..……...………..$35.00

Hot Stones, additional 30-minute, Foot Scrubs, Aromatherapy and Cupping

Wellness Massage Package……….…………….……$115.00

This is an annual fee and will be included in the first massage of the Month of your renewal. Please keep in mind there is a minimum of 12 massages that must be made. If you do not meet the minimum of 12 sessions, you will be charged the difference at the time of your renewal. Minus any charged appointments for missed appointments.

Wellness Massage One Hour..…………...………….$45.00

Wellness Upgrades………………………………..………$15.00

Per upgrade

3 Pack……………………..……………………………….……$210.00

6 Pack……………………..…………………….………..……$360.00

10 Pack………………………………………………...………$500.00

Packages and Wellness deals are two separate items and will no longer be combined.


My Cancellation Policy is as follows:

Clients cancelling by 8 am day of massage will be charge 50% of service or forfeit a packaged massage. Anyone who misses an appointment, cancels after 8 am day of massage with be charged full service fee.

Severe Weather Conditions:

We live in Colorado and we know the weather can change at a moments notice. If you or I feel uncomfortable with trying to commute to our appointment, there will be no penalty as long as there is notice by 9 am day of massage for cancellation. 



Again, I thank you all for your support in Massages by Beverlie and I look forward to working with you to reach your wellness goals.


In Health,

 Beverlie J. Dunbar